All posts tagged: A.I.

Are you onboard with the A.I Supercycle?

Seldom do I write in between my typical quarterly cycle of economic commentaries, but I feel compelled to do so today. Do you know what an economic “Supercycle” is? Depending on how old you are, you have witnessed at least one or two in your lifetime, and some of you have witnessed more. An economic Supercycle is a sustained period of expansion usually driven by robust growth in demand for products and services. (I pulled that definition from a Google search, which now seems so antiquated considering what lies ahead.)

Examples of macroeconomic Supercycles include the industrial revolution in the late 1800’s and the information technology revolution of the last 25 years, just to name a couple you are familiar with. For investors, Supercycles are economic tsunamis of innovation that create significant wealth opportunities for those who can both see it coming (but may not be able to define or describe it) and who are willing to risk their investment dollars to benefit from it.

Future BrightAre you onboard with the A.I Supercycle?
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